Musicians + Schedule

IMPORTANT NOTE: We’re still working on our schedule and acquiring more musicians to perform, so all information on this page is provisional and subject to change – however any musicians listed on this page are ones who’ve confirmed they’ll be performing.

At CampEQ, we’ve got a big lineup of musicians across several different genres for everyone to look forward to, including some international musicians!

We’re also going to have a few small events throughout the day, just remember this is a small outdoors music focused convention, so there’s not going to be as many panels as a regular convention.

Opening / Closing

The convention will open to attendees after 3PM on the Thursday 12th September (or 12 noon for staff/musicians), if you’re a regular attendee – please don’t show up before 3PM unless you’re wanting to help us out with setup.

Thursday is mostly a setup day, so there’s unlikely to be much in terms of events, just setup your tent and hang out with other bronies – we should have at least a small movie/cartoons screening on the Thursday though.

The convention ends on the Monday 16th September – all attendees must pack up and leave no later than noon on the Monday.


Blackened Blue

Blackened Blue

Blackened Blue is a British heavy metal musician in the fandom, he often performs alongside PrinceWhateverer and other metal musicians, just watch out for flying corn cobs around him!

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Carly is a Welsh electronic musician, who’ll performing some of their original songs.

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Harmony Bop

Harmony Bop

Harmony Bop is multi-genre musician, coming to Camp Equestria from Norway!

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Prince is a British heavy metal musician well known in the fandom, both for their music, and as a memelord

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Events / Panels

No events/panels are confirmed just yet, schedule coming soon!